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How to Know if Your Audience Will Love or Hate Your Quizzes?

2023-10-09 14:30 Misc Community

How to Know if Your Audience Will Love or Hate Your Quizzes?

Quizzes are highly engaging for online audiences. You’ve probably taken a few yourself. They’re fun to take and they get shared more than other types of content. But if you want to achieve your digital marketing goals with quizzes, you really need to understand the tastes and interests of your target audience.

Creating Quizzes for Your Audience

When you’re brainstorming topics for your quizzes, you’ll have many ideas about what you think is fun or interesting. But you should design this content with your audience in mind, not yourself. Take your ideal audience member and choose a topic that would be interesting and engaging for them, while also keeping your goals for the quiz in mind.

Solve a Problem for Your User

A great way to create engaging quizzes is to solve a problem for the target user. For example, give them a test to see what their needs are so you can help them choose the right product or content. If you can help them find what they’re looking for or overcome a problem they’re facing, you’ve already started the sales process on the right foot.

Get Ideas from Other Content

Learn about your audience by following them on social media. See what content they like and share. You may even be able to see what other quizzes they take. You can then create similar ones with your own unique ideas.

Keep It Simple

No matter who your audience is, they’ll take your quizzes in higher numbers if it’s easy for them to do so. Write your questions in a conversational tone. Add images to make it more like a game. Keep it to about 7 questions so it’s not too long. Simplify as much as you can.

Trial and Error

The best way to learn what actually works is to put your quizzes out there and see how they perform. Choose several topics and styles and post them to see which get the most traction. You can measure popularity by looking at how many people take them, how many shares you get, or how many new leads each quiz brings you. Compare results and you’ll easily see which ones work best.

Learn About Your Audience

A great way to become a master quiz-maker is to design your quizzes so their answers will give you insights into their tastes. For example, a simple personality quiz like, “What Dog Breed Are You?” can ask questions about user preferences and behavior. These answers can be used as data to help you better understand your target user.
The best quizzes are fun, relevant, and engaging. Know your audience well and try to create content that engages them in this way. Then, monitor your results as people take it so you can make your next quiz even more effective.